Want to get quick shortcuts to getting an 8 in speaking? These will definitely help!
Three Tips for an 8 in Speaking - First Academy Speaking can be a challenge especially if you are shy, or if you are not comfortable with the language. These three killer tips will help you ace the speaking test! Read on!
Read it aloud seriously, and then read it aloud with a smile on your face.
You will notice that as you are smiling and reading, the flow of speaking gets better. You will not only look confident, but also will start feeling confident. The result? The examiner will also look at you as a confident, fluent speaker.
Look at Band 3 in Band Descriptors here. You will notice that lengthy pauses will give you a Band 3. To avoid that:
Give a quick, immediate answer, and justify yourself later, and in detail
This will work because IELTS does not expect you to give 'correct' answers. It only expects you to give relevant answers.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci
It is often the shortest and clearest of sentences that make the most impact. Whenever you are in doubt, remember that the simplest way to convey the deepest feelings can be done with just three words - I, love, and you.