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Task 1: Ownership of electrical appliances

Task 1: Ownership of electrical appliances

Sample Response

The charts show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and the amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019. The first chart shows the percentage of households owning different appliances such as washing machines, fridges, and vacuum cleaners. The second chart shows the average time spent per week doing housework.

In 1920, very few households owned washing machines, refrigerators, or vacuum cleaners, with less than 10% of households owning these appliances. By 2019, nearly 100% of households owned washing machines and refrigerators, and over 80% of households owned vacuum cleaners.

The second chart shows that the average time spent per week on housework has decreased over time. In 1920, households spent an average of over 30 hours per week on housework, while in 2019, this had decreased to just under 20 hours per week.

The overall trend shows that as the ownership of electrical appliances has increased, the amount of time spent on housework has decreased.

