The government has a New Year gift for the public as the LPG price in India has been reduced. The OGRA LPG rate today has decreased by around Rs. 4.02 per kg and Rs. 182.48 for the 45.4 kg commercial cylinder. This decline is in line with the decrease in the global price of LPG.
Now, you might be wondering, “What’s the big deal with LPG? How does it impact our daily lives?” Well, stick around, and we’ll spill the beans on that, along with a pinch of how it influences the prices of items we buy.
Let’s start with the OGRA LPG prices.
LPG Price in India Today (Official Rate) For all of you who are concerned with the LPG gas price in India, we are here with today’s LPG rate.
OGRA LPG Prices Latest Price LPG per kg Rs. 250.28 Home / Domestic Cylinder 11.8 kg Rs. 2,953.36 Commercial Cylinder (45.4 kg) Rs. 11,362.93 I have provided the price per kg as well as prices per domestic & commercial cylinders.
lpg-price-in-India-today LPG Gas Price in India Today (Market Rate) As per various reports, LPG is being sold above the official price in some areas. The average LPG market price is mentioned below:
LPG Market Rate Market Price LPG rate per kg Rs. 300 to Rs. 320 LPG rate per Home / Domestic Cylinder 11.8 kg Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 3,800 LPG rate per Commercial Cylinder (45.4 kg) Rs. 13,500 to Rs. 15,500 The LPG market LPG gas prices in India today vary in different areas and can be higher or lower than the rates in this table. Selling LPG at a higher rate than the official OGRA rate goes against the established regulations, and sellers doing this should stop this unethical practice.
Historic LPG Rates & Price Breakdown Now, you must be interested in the historic LPG rates in India as well as price breakdown, including margins, taxes, and other costs. Let’s start with the historic LPG prices: